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5 Expert Strategies to Solve Algebra Word Problems

While solving any algebraic problem, it is better to have a plan to follow. Solving the word problem of algebra seems quite difficult but it can easily be tackled with perfect planning and you can easily write an equation of algebra.

Want to know the tips to tackle the problem?

Here are some of the effective strategies given by the experts of Global Assignment Help to get a command of the algebraic problems.

Top 5 Tips to Tackle Algebraic Word Problems:

Strategy 1: Analyze the Entire Word Problem Before Solving It to Save Your Time

Most of the students get panicked while seeing algebraic word problems. But, this can not be the solution. Instead, you should go through the entire word problem carefully. Doing so will give you a better chance to notice every variable that can be helpful for you to solve the problem easily.

Strategy 2: Find Out the Keywords in Problem to Insert the Appropriate Operation

Looking for keywords in word problem will definitely help you in a long way to determine how to solve the algebraic word equation. Go through the following list to identify the keywords:

  • Addition denotes - increased by, combined, sum up, total, more than

  • Subtraction denotes - difference of, less than, decreased by

  • Multiplication denotes - times, multiplies, increased by factor of

  • Division denotes - ratio of, per, out of

  • Equals denotes - will be, gives, is, are

These keywords will help you a lot to identify the particular operation and further help in inserting it in the equation.

Important Note: Always pay attention to the relationship of two variables especially when it comes to subtraction and division. For example, if it is written the difference between x and y, you will write it as x-y.

Strategy 3: Highlight Important Information to Form Equations to Solve Word Problem

While noticing the keywords in the word problem highlight them, and also mark the important points and variables. It will be very helpful for you to form the exact algebraic equation. Doing so will make it easier for you to go back and double check that you have written the correct algebraic equation.

Strategy 4: Note Down Everything That Strikes Your Mind to Brainstorm

The best way to learn everything at once is to note down whenever they strike your mind. It is much easier technique to get all the important information on paper without even remembering it. It will save your time too and you can easily concentrate on other problems also. If you note down every step, then you can easily cross-check your steps and make sure that the answer is correct.

Strategy 5: Practice is the Key to Perfection

We all know the fact that one can get command of the mathematics only by practicing a lot. Similarly, if you solve one algebraic problem every day, then you will be able to tackle the problems with ease.

Solving algebraic problem will not be a difficult task, once you know the secret to tackle the problem with ease. If you face many troubles while solving algebraic equations then you can surely get a lot of help from the above-mentioned tips.

In case of any query related to it, reach to Global Assignment Help to seek Algebra assignment help from the experts.

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